Infants (3-15 Months)

Our commitment to your baby begins with a special partnership between our teacher, and you, the parent. This partnership is especially important to provide the highest quality care for your infant. Together, parents, and caregivers develop a daily schedule to meet your child’s individual needs. Infants learn through their senses, they learn by watching and moving freely. Freedom to move is essential to the development of the infant’s potential. Each child is considered as a whole person and is affected by the quality of holding and feeding, as well as the quality of physical care. Our wonderful Montessori infant care environment is cozy, warm, and specially designed for mobility.
In our lovely infant classroom setting, we foster and nurture your child’s independence:
- We have a nurturing staff with many years of experience. They teach sign language, language development skills and music and movement.
- The environment your child will spend time in will be beautiful, spacious, safe, and secure
- Meals and feedings are determined by a child’s natural hunger patterns
- We follow a child’s natural sleeping and waking process


Pre-Toddlers (12-22 Months)
Dr. Montessori observed that the first few years of life are the foundation in the development of human beings and their intrinsic potential. As such, our Infant Program is tailored according to the developmental needs of children, helping them reach those first set of major milestones and caring for them along the way. The Infant Program is for children 12 – 17 month olds.
We crafted this program to help children explore, interact and understand the world around them. Our Infant Program nurtures the sense of trust and security in each child. Our trained infant teachers prepare the classroom with guided exploration in mind. As our smallest students’ progress towards the major milestones (rolling over, sitting up, walking, etc.) of this age group, our teachers provide the special attention required to help them push forward. For example, if a child is attached to a particular object, our teachers may use this object to further the development of their walking ability or reaching ability.
We have an excellent team of responsible, affectionate, and experienced teachers. They teach them language skills, music & movement and sign language.The beautifully prepared environments are designed to meet their developmental needs with an emphasis on Practical Life and the Sensorial curriculum.


Toddlers (22 Months to 2 and ½ Years)

Toddlers are known to be natural explorers, trying to make sense of the world around them and satisfying their natural curiosity. We at Ace Montessori know how impactful these years can be in helping lay the foundation for a successful life. That is why we created our Toddler Program specifically tailored to assist our children as they continue to seek out knowledge and learn new skills.
The environment in which our toddlers spend their day is filled with furniture and materials that are specifically designed for toddlers. This rich environment enhances a toddler’s desire to learn and explore. To complement the environment, our curriculum is designed to promote the core focus areas of this age group: speech and language, cognitive development, motor skills, grace & courtesy, and most importantly, the sense of independence. Our teachers understand the importance of helping only when needed, all the while ensuring a safe learning environment. This approach gives toddlers a sense of independence that only furthers their natural curiosity.


Pre-primary (2 and ½ to 3 and ½ Years)
The Pre-primary Program at Ace Montessori allows our students to grasp the same concepts as their peers in a traditional classroom, but with an emphasis on independence and sense of community. Our Pre-primary Program is tailored for kids from ages 2 – 3 year olds and leverages the Montessori hands-on approach to provide an extension of our Toddler Program with additional focus on core life skills and advanced cognitive abilities.
The Pre-primary program continues the focus on the core areas of speech and language, cognitive development, motor skills, and grace & courtesy. In addition, we start to give our students a wider sense of knowledge by helping them learn mathematics, music, culture, and language. By having kids in different ages interacting with one another, our younger students lean on their ability to make friends in order to pick up the skills the older students display. Our focus on children’s understanding of sensory helps them describe the world around them with a new understanding.
Students in our Pre-primary Program spend their day in our welcoming and content filled classroom that provides hands-on, age appropriate activities that are designed to further your child’s knowledge. By interacting with this carefully crafted content and learning to express themselves in precisive vocabulary, our students quickly outpace their peers at traditional classroom settings. Over time, students in this program will grow into the high functioning children ready to take on the rest of their academic careers, with an innate sense of order, self-discipline, and focus.
Toilet training is completed in this classroom before the kids can be moved up to our primary classrooms.

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
8:15 AM – 2:45 PM

Primary (3 to 6 Years)

As Dr. Maria Montessori emphasized, the Three Year Cycle (ages 3 to 6) is a crucial and valuable time during which children develop and demonstrate their unique characteristics socially, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, and physically.
Our Primary classrooms groups children ranging between the ages of 3 to 6 years. This is a multi-aged program that allows the younger children to observe and mimic the developed skills of the older children. This two-way interaction allows the older children to proudly demonstrate their newly developed skill, while allowing the younger children to use their intrinsic motivation to develop this skill. This interaction also instills a sense of friendship and mentorship, while furthering their ability to build long lasting relationships.
The teachers designs the ‘ prepared environment’ to engage the children in uninterrupted blocks of work time. The children are guided and encouraged to choose their lessons according to sensitive periods, needs and interests. The students are offered lessons in small groups or individually from different work areas.This pleasingly aesthetic environment promotes independence, concentration, coordination sense of order and responsibility among students.
This program provides students with quality experiences which focuses on development of gross motor activities, social skills and practical life, in addition to academics and a variety of cultural experiences, including foreign language.
Our classrooms are filled with high-quality materials that are used in activities aimed at contributing to an experiential and well-rounded education consisting of Practical Life, Science, Geography and Sensorial Life. Our curriculum enhances the learning process of the child through the use reading, writing, oral language, and mathematical concepts.

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
8:15 AM – 2:45 PM

After School